About me

Hi there! I am Yoshua, a robotics enthusiast and an engineer by training. I received the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering with focus on robotics and controls from the University of Washington-Seattle, under the advisory of Professor Santosh Devasia in the Precison Controls Laboratory. My research interests are in the areas of control of multi robot teams and robotics for manufacturing.

Prior to joining the Precision Controls Lab, I worked as a Product Development Engineer at JELD-WEN, Inc. I earned my B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering degree from Oregon Institute of Technology and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics) from the University of Washington-Seattle.
My dream is to see human and robot working together.


Yoshua Gombo


Research & Publications

Communication-free Decentralized Controller Design for Flexible Object Transport

Y. Gombo, A. Tiwari, M. Safwat, H. Chang and S. Devasia, "Communication-free Decentralized Controller Design for Flexible Object Transport," in IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics 2024, https://doi.org/10.1109/TMECH.2024.3399120.

Delayed Self-Reinforcement to Reduce Deformation during Decentralized Flexible-Object Transport

Y. Gombo, A. Tiwari, M. Safwat, H. Chang, and S. Devasia, “Delayed Self-Reinforcement to Reduce Deformation During Decentralized Flexible-Object Transport,” IEEE Trans. Robot., vol. 40, pp. 999–1018, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2023.3343997.

Accelerated-Gradient-Based Flexible-Object Transport With Decentralized Robot Teams

Y. Gombo, A. Tiwari, and S. Devasia, “Accelerated-Gradient-Based Flexible-Object Transport With Decentralized Robot Teams,” IEEE Robot. Autom. Lett., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 151–158, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2020.3036569.

Communication-free Cohesive Flexible-Object Transport using Decentralized Robot Networks

Y. Gombo, A. Tiwari and S. Devasia, "Communication-free Cohesive Flexible-Object Transport using Decentralized Robot Networks," 2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 2021, pp. 106-111, doi: 10.23919/ACC50511.2021.9482946.

Improving Network’s Transition Cohesion by Approximating Strongly Damped Waves using Delayed Self Reinforcement

A. Tiwari, Y. Gombo, and S. Devasia, “Improving network’s transition cohesion by approximating strongly damped waves using delayed self reinforcement,” in 2021 Seventh Indian Control Conference (ICC), Mumbai, India, Dec. 2021, pp. 277–282. doi: 10.1109/ICC54714.2021.9703122.

Data-based Learning for Control of Elastic Interactions Between Robot and Workpiece

L. McCann, C.-N. Lee, Y. Gombo, J. Garbini, and S. Devasia, “Data-Based Learning for Control of Elastic Interactions Between Robot and Workpiece,” p. 7, 2019. Available: https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/DSCC.

Data-based Stiffness Estimation for Control of Robot-Workpiece Elastic Interactions

McCann, L., Gombo, Y., Tiwari, A., Garbini, J., and Devasia, S. (October 3, 2023). "Data-based Stiffness Estimation for Control of Robot-Workpiece Elastic Interactions." ASME. Letters Dyn. Sys. Control. doi: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4063606


Dissertation: Reduced Deformation Transport of Flexible Objects Using Decentralized Robot Networks

Link: Gombo's dissertation

Awards & Memberships

  • Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (2022), Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington

  • Engineer in Training (EIT), State of Oregon - Credential ID 91078EI

  • Indonesian Government Fellowship (2012 - 2015, 2018 - 2019)

  • Engineering Honor Society, Oregon Delta

  • ASME Student Member

Contact me at



Latest News



  • Succesfully defended my dissertation in December 2023!

  • Passed General Exam!

  • Interning at DEKA Research and Development as Robotics Engineer

  • Workshop panelist at AIM 2023 conference (materials)