Learning rate

Dalam suatu 'network/model' di area deep learning atau machine learning, satu hyper-parameter yang penting dan perlu untuk di tune adalah learning rate. Learning rate menentukan seberapa cepat suatu model untuk converge dan mempelajari sesuatu yang berguna. Pada umumnya, learning rate yang rendah dapat mengakibatkan waktu training yang begitu lama. Sebaliknya, learning rate yang tinggi dapat mengalihkan model dari hal yang ingin di pelajari (suboptimal solution). See illustration above. Karena itu, cukuplah penting untuk learning rate sebuah model untuk di tune, sehingga model ini bisa di latih untuk mempelajari sesuatu yang di inginkan dalam jangka waktu yang wajar.

Kalau berpikir soal education dan learning di Indonesia, satu hal yang kadang muncul adalah kenapa kitong di timur selalu duduk di belakang. Common answers, 'ooh fasilitas kurang baik, dana kurang, guru tidak ada, dll...'. My question is mau begini sampai kapan? (Note that there is 'time' aspect here) The thing is, fasilitas bisa di bangun dan guru bisa di sediakan. Tapi people nya ready kah? Ready to learn. What I see, kita di timur itu mulai dari titik mulai yang berbeda dengan yang di barat. Ibaratnya di graph di atas, misal kitong di timur itu di path 2 (merah) dan di barat itu di path 1 (ungu). Jadi untuk mencapai titik yang sama di path goal, perlu untuk kitong tingkatnya 'learning rate'. Tapi tidak terlalu tinggi juga agar tidak menyimpang dari apa yang ingin kita capai (goal curve).

From my experience study abroad, I had to do everything double the effort dibandingkan teman-teman yang lain. Contoh, ada barier bahasa dalam study, perlu punya skill yang lebih supaya bisa diterima kerja, dll. Ini contoh kecil. Kalau selama ini, there are always excuses tentang fasilitas etc, sudah saat nya sekarang bekerja lebih keras, make use of all available resources, adjust our learning rate to learning more quickly dan mampu beradaptasi dengan berbagai changes. Dengan begini kita bisa berada di titik yang sama dengan yang lain; duduk di bangku yang sama, di depan.​

Can we really have different opinions?

2020 was an interesting year. So many things had happened, from COVID to US presidential election. Just like many people, I spent a lot of time at home (due to social distancing and lockdown) which means I had a little bit more time to think about stuff in general. So I want to share some of my thoughts about “opinions”.

A couple months ago, Elon Musk (a pretty famous guy, people say he’s the real-life Iron Man) twitted about how he got a rapid test for COVID-19.


The reaction from public was really ambiguous. Majority of public (which on the internet for sure) criticized his tweet and started to make random conclusion. Something like: “Apparently Elon is not as smart as we think”, or “You don’t have to become smart to lead a tech company”, and many more. I guess, I’m a bit confused why people drew conclusions like that. Just because you don’t agree with him, it doesn’t mean that he is “stupid”. I think he merely made an observation about the testing results, and just stated the facts. I understand that with the amount of influence he has, making such statements could lead some people to believe otherwise (which I guess catergorized as spreading false information?). But again, it is his opinion that based on an observation. I don’t see anything wrong with it, especially when you live in the US with that “freedom of speech” thingy.

Nowdays, it seems that we can’t even have different opinions. If somebody doesn’t like my opinion, then I’ll be judged and criticized. It is really sensitive to have a debate, or disagree with some “common” views. Moreover, with more separation of political views today people can’t even admit if something doesn’t look right with their political views. Their opinions are always biased towards their view.

I think having different opinions is actually good. The effect of “opposition” or “feedback” keeps the society in check and not going towards the extremes. I’ll talk about this in another blog post. Thats why I feel kind of sad in seeing the situation we are in. As humans (social beings), we can’t even have a healthy conversation without being toxic anymore. I’m not sure if this happen because of COVID stress, or because the presidential election. But it happens and I don’t think it is a good thing.

However, I’m hopeful still. I think overtime people can start value opinions again and have a good constructive conversation, even if it means there will be a healthy debate or difference in opinions.
So, can we really have different opinions? I hope we can.